V Lomech 2376/10a, 149 00 Praha 4 - Chodov
Krabošická 60, 251 01 Voděrádky, Říčany

Installation of Unique L-ISA Artificial Reverberation System at J. K. Tyl Theatre in Plzeň

Rok realizace:
Culture Objects, Installations, Projects
Year of completion:
Culture Objects, Installations, Projects
In the summer of 2022, the New Stage of DJKT in Plzeň underwent a globally unique enhancement. The theatre hall was equipped with the Ambiance chain from the renowned French brand L–Acoustics. This was the first such comprehensive installation in the world, connecting immersive sound with electro-acoustic spatial adjustments.

For human perception, the combination of auditory and visual sensations is crucial. The L-ISA system ensures the integration of these two senses, aligning what you see with what you hear.

Now, it is possible to adjust the acoustic conditions according to current needs with the push of a button. The installed system allows for up to a threefold extension of the basic reverberation time, which is especially appreciated by opera, as the theatre hall can be customized for specific musical works. Instantly, the conditions of a concert hall can be created, allowing a symphony orchestra to be perceived by the audience as if in a real space. Another significant feature of this installation is the acoustic support for the performer on stage, enabling them to be heard as clearly without a microphone as with one.

The spatial acoustics adjustment system consists of speakers mounted on the walls and ceiling, along with a network of microphones installed across the entire ceiling of the theatre hall. Immersive sound is ensured by numerous speakers placed along the entire length of the stage portal, replacing the original sound system. The brain of the entire system is the L-ISA processor, which implements all algorithms ensuring immersive sound and reverberation time.

Technology supplier: PRO MUSIC s.r.o.


Společnost AVT Group a.s. byla založena v roce 2013. Od počátku máme jasnou vizi - poskytovat profesionální služby v oblasti audiovizuální techniky a prostorové akustiky. Pod jednou střechou koncentrujeme kompletní tým certifikovaných odborníků z této oblasti, který se pohybuje na českém trhu již od přelomu tisíciletí.

Od roku 2014 jsme držiteli certifikátů IMS ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001
od renomované společnosti Quality Austria.


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